Anthony (also known as Tony to many) attended Jamaica College (JC) for a full eight years from 1953 to 1960. Thereafter, he proceeded to the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada, where he initially majored in botany and geology (1961-65), and then specialized in geology (65-67), before returning to Jamaica to do post-graduate studies in geology at the University of the West Indies (UWI) Mona campus. Historically, JC has produced numerous medical doctors, dentists, lawyers, engineers, politicians, and other professions, but this could be another first – our very own world renowned Geologist. Do you know any?
By nature Anthony shies away from the limelight, but his published writings, based in part on his belief that "information not shared is useless", has brought some degree of international recognition and consequently has on occasion, thrust him into the spotlight.
In 2001, Anthony received the Geological Society of Jamaica's highest honour, known as the Chubb Award, for his contribution to Jamaican Geology and the Bauxite Industry, and later that year, he was the recipient of the Jamaica Gleaner Company's 2001 Honour Award in the category Science and Technology, resulting in a prominent front page article on him appearing in the Gleaner.
Anthony joined the staff of Alcan in November 1974 in Jamaica, and was transferred to their corporate headquarters in Montreal in 1987. In the years to follow he accepted a 6-month assignment in Guinea, West Africa, which eventually turned into a 5-year stay (1991-95).
All told, Anthony’s career as an exploration geologist with Alcan lasted 28 years and during that time he was sent on bauxite exploration and\or evaluation assignments to all parts of the world, including Northern Australia (crocodile country), Brazil, India, Venezuela, Vietnam and the West African countries of Cameroon, Guinea (snakes, where he was based) and Sierra Leone.
His recently released book, entitled Bricks and Stones from the Past: Jamaica’s Geological Heritage (published by UWI Press) is in fact his third published book on Jamaican geology. But this one is different in that it is really an introduction to a new field of study, called Heritage Geology. Simply put, stone artifacts, objects, buildings and materials handed down or left behind by one’s ancestor’s are examined by geological methods and techniques to ascertain their exact nature, age and place of origin.
Conducting the necessary library research coupled with the numerous site visits to all parts of the island, while still employed full time to Alcan, and then two other organizations after leaving Alcan, turned out to be a very draining experience both mentally and physically.
Anthony has now reached the mandatory retirement age of 65 and presently resides in Mandeville, Jamaica. However, he still receives requests from local and overseas organizations to participate in various bauxite-related projects, and is contemplating an offer that could take him back to West Africa.
Stay tuned, maybe next year 2008 we will see Anthony back on the international scene and in the headlines.
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