This month, the Jamaica College Old Boys Association hosts a 4 day week-end extravaganza in Jamaica, starting on Thursday October 15th and continuing through Sunday October 18th.
Events start on Thursday 15th October with a Chapel service led by the Rev. Robert Thompson, Bishop of Kingston, assisted by Bishop Peter Morgan and Tony 'Fago' Lewis on the organ. All JC Old Boys are invited to attend. This is followed by a JC campus tour and then lunch where the Prime Minister of Jamaica the Honorable Bruce Golding, himself a distinguished JC alumni, will address the gathering.
Friday features a concert on the lawns of JC with former JC alumni and international entertainer Ibo Cooper And Friends. Saturday features a fun day at Chukka Cove in St. Ann, with lunch compliments of Danny Melville. On Sunday there is a golf tournament at at Cinnamon Hill Golf which has been specially arranged by Phillip Levy. Tee-off is at 8.00am. For the latest information please visit the official JCOBAFL web site at: