The Jamaica College Old Boys Association of Florida (JCOBAFL) will be hosting a “Wine and Cheese Networking Night” on Thursday May 28, 2009 from 6 - 9 pm at the Seventh Street Wine Company, downtown Ft. Lauderdale.
The event is being hosted in conjunction with the Caribbean Bar Association (CBA), the National Association of Black Accountants (NABA), and the St. Andrew High School ’s Old Girls Association of South Florida.
Damion Simon, a Director of the JCOBAFL, and the organizer of the Networking Night said “this event will encourage collaboration and cooperation among various professional groups and alumnae affiliated with North American, the Caribbean and Jamaica . It also targets the younger alumni, to get them involved in the activities of their associations, and to give them an opportunity to see how they can contribute to the schools which gave us the foundation to become the professionals which we are today.”
For further information please contact: Damion Simon, (561) 255-3782 or dgsimon25@yahoo.com or dsimon@kaufmanlynn.com
What: Jamaica College Old Boys Association of South Florida Wine & Cheese Networking Night
Where: Seventh Street Wine Company – (954) 522-5560
701 S. Federal Highway
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316
When: Thursday, May 28th, 2009
Time: 6.00 pm – 9:00 pm
Donation: $10
Sponsored by:
Grace Kennedy & Company Limited, GKRS-Western Union, Kaufman Lynn General Contractors, Virtual Enterprises, DJ Gary, The Caribbean Bar Association, National Association of Black Accountants.
To view pictures from last years event please click the link below