Jamaica College Old Boys Association of Florida (JCOBAFL) Presents the First Annual Blue Links Classic Golf Tournament in May 2022 to Support Students in Jamaica

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Jamaica College Alumni Association Hosts Golf Tournament in Florida - May 14th 2022

The Jamaica College Old Boys Association of Florida (JCOBAFL) will hold the First Annual Blue Links Classic Golf Tournament on May 14, 2022, at the Jacaranda Golf Course in Plantation, Florida. The charity event will be organized in a Four-Person Best Shot (Scramble) format. Proceeds from the event will go toward supporting the young men currently enrolled at Jamaica College. The JCOBAFL invites golfers of all experience levels to have fun while they test their skills, knowing that their participation helps the students at JC, unifies the community, and strengthens its ties to the school.

“We are excited to have  our First Annual Blue Links Classic event here in South Florida and looking forward to the community showcasing their golf skills at this fundraising effort,” said Xavier Murphy, president of the JCOBAFL, “We are looking forward to creating a brighter future for the students in Jamaica that we will support from the funds raised.”


What:  Blue Links Classic Golf Tournament

When:  May 14, 2022

Time:  8:00 am start time

Where:  Jacaranda Golf Club, 9200 West Broward Blvd., Plantation, FL 33324


  • Single Golfer USD $150.00 – Includes 1 player
  • Foursome  USD $500.00 – Includes 4 players

For more information, visit the website at https://bluelinksgolf.com/

Prizes will be awarded as follows:

  • First Place (Lowest Scoring Team)
  • Trophies/ Gift Certificates
  • Second Place (Second-Lowest Scoring Team)
  • Trophies
  • Best Non-JC Team (Lowest Scoring Team Representing A School Other Than JC)
  • Trophies – Check payable to school charity of your choice $TBD
  • In-tournament Prizes (Mulligans Not Allowed In This Category)
  • Hole in One (Hole #8) Men’s yardage 182/ women’s yardage 167  – $10,000 CASH 50/50 Split
  • Hole in One (Hole #3) 159 yards. One-year supply (12 dozen) golf balls from Bridgestone Golf
  • Hole in One (Hole #11) 188 yards. Cuater by Travis Mathew Premium Performance Package plus a $500 shopping spree (Total Value $1,200)
  • Hole in One (Hole #17)  145 yards. The New TaylorMade SiM2 Driver – Reconstructed So You Can Swing Away
  • Closest to the Pin (Hole #17 145 yards. Brand New Starter Golf Set


There will also be two raffles:

Raffle drawing for “Weekend for 2 at Sandals Jamaica.” Tickets on sale now.

Cost: $10 for tournament attendees/ $20 for non-tournament players

50/50 Raffle – $5

Proceeds from this event will go to the JCOBAFL Scholarship Fund with additional funds going towards operational expenditures at Jamaica College

Lunch – After their round, players will be treated to a catered lunch by the Jacaranda Golf Course catering team at The Palm Room.

The Jamaica College Old Boys Association of Florida established in 2004 as a 501(c) (3). The Jamaica College Old Boys Association of Florida is committed to uphold the traditions of excellence of Jamaica College as one of the foremost educational institution in the country of Jamaica and to support the school in the development of its students.

Photo by Robert Ruggiero on Unsplash

JC Old Boys Link Up (FREE) Saturday, August 14th, 2021

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The Jamaica College Old Boy’s Association will be holding a JC Old Boys Link Up (FREE)
Saturday, August 14th, 2021
Time – Noon to 6 pm
Location – Jerk Joint Food Truck (Owned by JC Old Boy Dean Bullock)
Davie Town Plaza
4343 South State Road 7, Davie, FL 33314
Food is available for purchase. Bring your chair & cooler
To assure the safety of attendees, CDC COVID-19 recommendations will be observed.

True Blue Sound Clash Jamaica College vs St. George’s College

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Tune in to the VP Records YouTube channel on Saturday April 10th, 2021, at 7 pm for the Livestream broadcast of a friendly Sound Clash between St. George’s College Old Boys Association of Florida, Inc., and the Jamaica College Old Boys Association of Florida, Inc. The MC for the clash will be popular radio personality Steven “Sir Rockwell” Warner.

The True Blue Sound Clash of 2021 is replacing the traditional True Blue weekend soccer event.  Normally held annually, the pandemic forced organizers to present a match between the two schools in a different way.  This year marks the 17th year for the South Florida event though being held in a different format.  Past True Blue 2-day weekends attracted soccer enthusiasts from Canada, the Caribbean, Central American, and South America. The yearly fundraising event provides the schools with the funding necessary to present scholarships to Jamaica College and St. George’s College students. The event is held in honor of Dennis Ziadie, who coached players at both schools to Manning Cup victories. Nearly 2,000 soccer enthusiasts and supporters typically participate in the annual event.

Richard A. Lue, the director of business development at VP Music Group said, “We are pleased to host this Clash on our platform and look forward to the musical competition between two great schools.  I can’t wait to be supporting my school Cornwall College in the future.”

VP Records, which is based in New York City, is a pioneer in the Reggae and Soca music industry. VP Records is the only record label that represents the entire spectrum of Caribbean music.

For more information, visit the website at http://www.trueblueweekend.com or our Facebook Fan Page – http://www.facebook.com/trueblueweekend

Jamaica College COVID-19 Rescue Plan – Donate Today

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Jamaica College COVID-19 Rescue Plan

My fellow JC Old Boys and Friends of JC:

Let me start by first wishing that you, your family and your loved ones are all safe during this most unusual time. We have all been affected by this COVID-19 pandemic and our beloved Jamaica College is no different.

Right now we are under extreme pressure to keep the operational functions at 189 Old Hope Road going in a meaningful way, as almost all of our supplemental revenue streams have ground to a halt. In order to utilize current online classroom technology to keep the learning going, we now have to invest in our teaching technology solutions such as hardware (tablets and laptops), software and WiFi data access, while continuing to pay utilities and ground maintenance. With no rental income from our auditorium, sporting or classroom facilities, no lunch sales from our cafeteria and minimum collection of outstanding fees from our parents, we have had to cut staff, cut pay or cut hours. One extremely important group that has been hardest hit is our supplemental teachers and administrators who are paid directly by us and not by the Ministry. These persons are critical in our drive to continue to elevate Jamaica College’s academic standards.

Jamaica College COVID-19 Rescue Plan

We are therefore turning to you, our True Blue Old Boys for help. The combined Chapters of the JCOBA, here in Jamaica, New York, Florida and Canada have joined forces to meet this crisis head on and have created the JCOBA Big Brother COVID-19 Rescue Plan. The goal is for each chapter to generate a minimum of $J300,000 ($2000 USD) per month for a year, beginning the end of May, to offset this critical financial shortfall.

No amount is too small. No amount is too great.

I urge you to support this very important cause, by making your contribution today.

Thank you in advance for your continued support of our great Jamaica College. Principal Wayne Robinson Fervet Opus In Campis


Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/donation-thermometer/.$24,000Raised $23,055 towards the $24,000 target.$23,055Raised $23,055 towards the $24,000 target.96%

There are 4 ways to make your tax-deductible donation to the JCOBAFL today for the COVID-19 Rescue Plan.

1. Donate Online via Paypal.com

2. Donate via Venmo – @JCOBAFL

3. Donate via Zelle – jcobafltreasurer@gmail.com

4. Donate via Check

Please make your tax-deductible donation payable to Jamaica College Old Boys Association of Florida and on the memo line of the check, please indicate “Jamaica College COVID-19 Rescue Plan”. Please send your check to the address below.

Jamaica College Old Boys Association of Florida
P.O. Box 824643
Pembroke Pines, FL 33082


Make your contribution now through any of these 5 options:

1. Walk in payment at the JCOBA office M-F (9am-5pm) or call 876-970-1447, 876-487-2826 to schedule a bearer pickup for amounts over $J1000. Checks should be made payable to the Jamaica College Old Boys Association.

2. Walk in Bank Deposit or Online Bank transfer to our local bank in Jamaica:


First Global Bank

Checking Account #9907 5102 8059

ABA Routing #000 000 754

For local USD deposits or transfers:


Sagicor Bank

Saving Account #5502 453 377

ABA Routing #01034081


3. PayPal. Send donations to jcoldboy@gmail.com

4. GoFund Me (click or copy link below)


5. Cash App for Android/IOS. Use cashtag JColdboys

R. Danny Williams Biography Now Available as E-Book on Amazon – All proceeds from the sales go to Jamaica College

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R. Danny Williams Biography Now Available as E-Book on Amazon

“I Tried to Make a Difference,” the biography of R. Danny Williams, the founder of the first Jamaican-owned life insurance company in the country written by Sandy McIntosh, is now available in e-book format on Amazon. The book, which was officially launched in physical format in 2019, has already sold over 3,000 copies totaling more than $18 million (Jamaican Dollars). All proceeds from the sales go to Jamaica College, his alma mater, for the Jamaica College Foundation R. Danny Williams Scholarship Endowment. Williams himself covered all the printing and production costs of the book.

 The book tells the story of Williams’s 60-year journey as a businessman and founder of Life of Jamaica, the first Jamaican-owned life insurance firm in the country, and highlights how Williams has selflessly dedicated his life to service in the public and private sectors, giving his personal time and resources to help underprivileged and underserved Jamaicans. At the book launch event in 2019, Christopher Zacca, the president and CEO of Sagicor Group Jamaica, said that one of the things he most admired about Williams was “his love, passion and zeal for helping others; he is a true son of the soil who has created an indomitable legacy that will live on for many generations.” Jamaica College Old Boy Chris Williams thanked Danny for choosing the Jamaica College Foundation to be the beneficiary of the book’s proceeds and noted that these funds will make a major difference in the lives of many young men who would not be able to afford to go to school without the aid.

R. Danny Williams Biography Now Available as E-Book on Amazon

 Since its publication, the Williams biography has received praise from many sources, including from Douglas Orane, the former chair and CEO of Grace Kennedy Ltd., who said, “Danny is one of the most positive people I have met” and that this trait illustrates the optimism that is the source of his success. Michael Bernard, chair of the Jamaica College Board of Governors, called Williams “a philanthropist who has mastered the art of persuasion” and “a man made to giver service to mankind.”

 In the preface to the book, Williams writes that, although he is by nature a modest individual, he finally decided to tell his story at the urging of his wife Shirley who said he should do it so his children and grandchildren could know what he did over his lifetime. He credits her with helping the book come to fruition and thanked her for “putting up” with everything over the years and “carrying the burdens” when he was not around to do so. “I married the right woman!” he noted. And in addition to “setting the record straight” for the younger members of his family, Williams said he welcomed the chance to share some of the things he witnessed over his lifetime with a wider audience as he had seen memorable events and changes. “For example, I have seen my beloved country Jamaica evolve from colonialism to being a proud sovereign nation; I have seen our society move from electric tramcars to four-lane highways; from a single radio station option to cable television and a host of electronic and print media; from four-family ‘party lines’ to smartphones, and from our version of ‘snail mail’ to e-mail and a wealth of social media options. I have taken the opportunity in the text to remind us all that when we are bemoaning current challenges, we need to remember and appreciate just how far we have come as a people.”

Called a “captivating read” by reviewers, Williams is identified as “one of Jamaica’s outstanding contemporary leaders, a passionate patriot, philanthropist and much loved ‘people person’” and while many of his achievements are well known, his whole story has never been told before. The biography puts everything together in an intriguing story that combines his memories with those of more than 50 friends, family members, and associates. The story takes the reader through significant phases in the modern history of Jamaica and describes Williams’s extensive contributions in the fields of industry and commerce, life insurance, banking, aid to the deaf and others with disabilities, leadership training, corporate leadership, small business development, tourism, the bauxite and alumina industry, education, aviation, health, sports, coffee farming, and adult education. Commenting on his wide range of activities, Williams reassures readers that “I never did anything I didn’t enjoy!”

The History of Jamaica College Book Now AVAILABLE!

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Jamaica College History Book

Jamaica College History Book

The history of Jamaica College has been recorded in the book:

“JAMAICA COLLEGE; A Sugar Cane Planter’s Legacy 1721-2018”

written by Hylton Dennis with Ian Andrews

is now available on sale for $40.00 (USD) + $8.00 shipping (It’s a thick hardcover book)

The school benefits from the sale of each book. Email us if you have any questions

We look forward to your usual support. FERVET!

POSTPONED – Celebrating 16 years – A fun-filled weekend planned for True Blue Weekend 2020 in South Florida – April 3rd- 4th , 2020

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A fun-filled weekend planned for True Blue Weekend 2020 in South Florida-1

The 16th Annual True Blue Weekend will take place on April 3rd – 4th, 2020. The True Blue Welcome Party on Friday, April 3rd will feature two of South Florid’s popular mix masters, DJ Radcliffe and the legendary, King Waggy Tee. The SoccerFest on Saturday, April 4th will feature new invitational matches which will include Kingston College and Calabar High School. The 2-day event is hosted by The Jamaica College Old Boys Association of Florida, Inc. (JCOBAFL).

“We are so blessed to have reached the 16th year of this event. The longevity of this event would not have been possible without the tremendous support of the community and other Jamaican alumni associations in South Florida”, said Xavier Murphy President of JCOBAFL, “This year’s event is going to be very exciting with top class music by two of South Florida’s Premier DJs, old rivalries being rekindled during the soccerfest and the honoring of a few great Jamaicans including, Dennis Ziadie” 

The True Blue weekend is an expansion from the annual Ziadie Cup soccer match between The St. George’s College Old Boys Association of Florida, Inc. and The Jamaica College Old Boys Association of Florida, Inc. The annual match commemorates and honors, Dennis Ziadie, who coached both Jamaican High schools to Manning Cup football victories. Last year’s event drew over 1000 spectators and supporters.


The True Blue 2020 weekend dates, events & locations

What: True Blue Party with DJ Radcliffe & Guest DJ- King Waggy Tee

Admission: $20.00 (Tickets are $25 at the door) –  (POSTPONED)

When: April 3rd, 2020

Time: 8:00 pm – 3:00 am

Where: Krave Lounge and Restaurant

4519 N Pine Island Rd, Sunrise, FL 33351


What: True Blue Soccer Fest

  • The 16th Annual Dennis Ziadie Cup Soccer Match (JC vs. STGC)
  • Over 40 Invitational Soccer Match  (KC vs Calabar)
  • Under 40 Invitational Soccer Match (JC vs KC)
  • All Girls/Co-Ed Schools Alumni Penalty Kick-off

When: April 4th, 2020

Where: Vizcaya Park

14200 SW 55th St. Miramar, FL 33027

Time: 2:00pm – 9:00pm

Admission: FREE

For more information, visit the website at http://www.trueblueweekend.com or our Facebook Fan Page – http://www.facebook.com/trueblueweekend
The Jamaica College Old Boys Association of Florida was established in 2004 as a 501(c) (3). The Jamaica College Old Boys Association of Florida is committed to uphold the traditions of excellence of Jamaica College as one of the foremost educational institutions in the country of Jamaica and to support the school in the development of its students.

Jamaica College Old Boys Association of Florida, Inc
Email:  info@jcobafl.org