On April 6th and 7th, the 14th Annual True Blue Weekend/Dennis Ziadie Cup will overwhelm the South Florida community of Miramar/Pembroke Pines. On April 6th old classmates, childhood friends and neighbors will rekindle friendships at the True Blue Welcome Party at Grand Café in Pembroke Pines. On April 7th, 2018 soccer enthusiasts from Canada, the Caribbean, Central and South America will converge on Vizcaya Park to demonstrate their soccer prowess and alumni spirit. The 2-day event is hosted by The St. George’s College Old Boys Association of Florida, Inc. (STGCOBAFL) and The Jamaica College Old Boys Association of Florida, Inc. (JCOBAFL).

True Blue Weekend
Brimming with enthusiasm, Norman Hemming, Vice President of JCOBAFL, opined: “We are extremely excited about this year’s True Blue weekend and Dennis Ziadie Cup. This annual fundraising events gives us the opportunity to provide scholarships to JC and STGC high schools students while honoring the legacy of Dennis Ziadie”
The True Blue weekend is an expansion from the annual Ziadie Cup soccer match between The St. George’s College Old Boys Association of Florida, Inc. and The Jamaica College Old Boys Association of Florida, Inc. The annual match commemorates and honors, Dennis Ziadie, who coached both schools to Manning Cup victories. Each year, this event draws close to two thousand soccer enthusiasts and supporters. This year takes on added importance as it coincides with the announcement by David Beckham of a Major League soccer franchise for South Florida.
The True Blue 2018 weekend dates, events & locations
What: True Blue Party with DJ Mark Swaby
When: April 6th, 2018
Time: 8:00 pm – 3:00 am
Where: Grand Cafe Restaurant & Lounge
12389 Pembroke Road, Pembroke Pines, Florida 33027
Admission: $20.00 (Tickets are $25 at the door)
What: True Blue Soccer Fest
—- The 14th Annual Dennis Ziadie Cup Soccer Match (JC vs. STGC)
—- Dennis Ziadie Youth Soccer Tournament
—- All Girls/Co-Ed Schools Alumni Penalty Kick-off
—- All Mens Schools Alumni Penalty Kick-off
When: April 7th, 2018
Where: Vizcaya Park
14200 SW 55th St. Miramar, FL 33027
Time: 2:00pm – 10:00pm
Admission: FREE
For more information, visit the website at http://www.trueblueweekend.com or our Facebook Fan Page – http://www.facebook.com/trueblueweekend
The Jamaica College Old Boys Association of Florida was established in 2004 as a 501(c) (3). The Jamaica College Old Boys Association of Florida is committed to uphold the traditions of excellence of Jamaica College as one of the foremost educational institutions in the country of Jamaica and to support the school in the development of its students.
St. George’s College Old Boys Association of Florida, Inc. was incorporated in 2004 as a charitable non-profit corporation under the General Non-Profit Association Law of the State of Florida. Our objectives are: To foster the development of educational and extracurricular resources at St. George’s College; To advance education by providing scholarships to graduating students of St. George’s College for matriculation in a college or university; To provide a vehicle through which individuals and corporations may make charitable contributions to the St. George’s College alumni fund.
Jamaica College Old Boys Association of Florida, Inc
Email: info@jcobafl.org